

Written by Slawomir Gromadzki, MPH

„Hello Slawek, just want to give you an update on how I’m getting on with my health after being on the health recovery plan for over six months. I’ve been signed off by my GP as he said I have managed to reverse the diabetes! I told him I had stopped taking the metformin a few months ago. Since then my blood glucose level is normal. My kidneys are now working perfectly and my blood pressure is normal too. Thank you very much. Alison T.”

Hallelujah Acres Testimonies on Overcoming Diabetes >

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It is important to know that almost half of all people with diabetes are not aware they already have it! According to NHS (2014), „A recent study has estimated that 35.3% of adults in the UK now have prediabetes (also known as borderline diabetes).” A country with one of the highest prevalances of diabetes is also America: „One in four Americans has either pre-diabetes or the full-blown disease!”


Type 2 diabetes is not only completely preventable, but it is also curable, if you are willing to make some lifestyle adjustments that will restore your insulin sensitivity. There are thousands of people who reversed diabetes and recovered from it as a result of being on healthy unrefined diet and use of natural remedies.

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Below I included a testimony written by one of our customers who recently recovered from diabetes as a result of implementing principles from the Health Recovery Plan and using natural remedies listed below:

Hello Slawek, just want to give you an update on how I’m getting on with my health after being on the health recovery plan for over six months. I’ve been signed off by my GP as he said I have managed to reverse the diabetes! I told him I had stopped taking the metformin a few months ago. Since then my blood glucose level is normal. My kidneys are now working perfectly and my blood pressure is normal too. Thank you very much. Alison T.”

On the internet you can find thousands of similar experiences written by people who permanently recovered from diabetes and reduced their body weight to normal as a result of improving their diet. One of them was Eric O. from San Jose, CA. Here is his story revealed on the website of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine: “A whole-foods, plant-based diet changed my life. I lost 103 pounds, reversed type 2 diabetes, lowered my cholesterol and blood pressure to healthy levels, and have remarkably increased energy. I now compete athletically with men half my age and recently qualified for the Boston Marathon. I’m now studying to become a registered dietician so I can help others enjoy the benefits of whole plant-based foods.”

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The symptoms of diabetes were known already in ancient times but the first physician who coiled the name “Diabetes mellitus” was Avicenna who lived in Persia in the medieval times (980–1037). Avicenna described diabetes mellitus as a disease of “abnormal appetite, collapsed sexual functions, and the sweet taste of urine.”


I only wonder, what technique he was using to find out that the urine of his diabetic patients was sweet. And the only answer I came up with is that he must had tasted it… And as a matter of fact according to the history of medicine, in the past it was a common practice among doctors to diagnose diabetes by tasting the urine of their patients! It means that long time ago the medical personnel must had been very dedicated to their patient care…


There are many different opinions about the ideal blood sugar level but usually it is believed that normal or healthy level before meals should be between 3.5–5.5mmol/l (millimoles per litre), and less than 8mmol/l, 2 hours after meals.
Individuals with type 2 diabetes are encouraged to maintain their sugar levels between 4-7mmol/l before meals, and less than 8.5mmol/l two hours after meals.


Diabetics develop certain following characteristic signs:

– They are often thirsty because they pass more urine as they cannot effectively reabsorb water from the blood due to damaged small blood vessels in kidneys.

– They are hungry because they lose a lot of protein and because of the higher levels of insulin in the blood.

– Diabetics experience fatigue (tiredness) because glucose (which is the key source of energy) can’t get into the cells. As a result cells do not have sufficient amount of key “fuel” to generate enough energy in mitochondria.

– People with high blood sugar levels experience dry mouth because they are dehydrated as they lose too much water with urine.



– Please check your blood glucose level from time to time as it is very dangerous if you are not aware of the fact that your sugar levels in the blood are chronically high as it can damage small blood vessels anywhere in your body leading to the following problems:

– Visual loss and blindness.

– Immune system suppression resulting in increased risk for infections.

– Erectile dysfunction.

– Poor blood circulation to the legs and feet and very slow wound healing.

– People with diabetes also have tendencies to experience frequent urine infections as well as overgrowth of candida albicans caused again by high sugar levels in the blood. And these infection also contribute to kidney damage.

– Kidney failure. In diabetics the high sugar levels in the blood damage small blood vessels in kidneys causing them to leak out toxins which accumulate in the body instead of being removed. At the same time the damaged capillaries in kidneys also allow beneficial proteins to move to the urine with which they are removed from the body. Together with proteins also some sugar gets into the urine and that is the reason why this disease in Latin is called “diabetes mellitus” which literally means “sweet urine”.

– Strokes and heart attacks. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “High blood glucose levels over time can lead to increased deposits of fatty materials on the insides of the blood vessel walls. If you have diabetes, you are at least twice as likely to have heart disease or a stroke.” It means that too much sugar in the blood, like free radicals, can damage the interior lining of larger blood vessels causing cholesterol plague to build much faster in those places leading to heart attacks and strokes.


– Peripheral nerve damage leading to severe pain, tingling, numbness in the feet, legs, and/or hands. Another dangerous effect of prolonged high blood sugar levels is a painful condition called peripheral neuropathy. According to medical dictionaries, peripheral neuropathy is defined as a “nerve damage caused by chronically high blood sugar and diabetes. It leads to numbness, loss of sensation, and pain in feet, legs, or hands.” The nerves in feet are damaged because due to high blood sugar levels the small blood vessels are damaged too and are unable to provide nutrients to the nerves. Apart from chronic high blood sugar levels also extremely popular cholesterol lowering drags statins greatly contribute to the development of peripheral neuropathy. There are many studies that proved it. The title of one of them which was published in 2011 says, “Cholesterol Lowering Statins Found to Damage Peripheral Nerves!”


find out how to recover from PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY >

– Too much sugar in the blood also reduces the levels of the beneficial and powerful vasodilator gas – nitric oxide in our blood vessels. As a result the blood vessels are narrowed elevating blood pressure and risk of heart attack or stroke. Amino acid L-arginine, on the other hand, is converted in our body to nitric oxide and therefore it is very effective in relaxing and dilating arteries in our heart and brain thus preventing heart attacks and strokes. One of the authors expressed this idea in the following way: „By converting into nitric-oxide (vasodilator), the amino acid, L-arginine, has changed the paradigms of cardiovascular health forever!” The highest nutritional source of L-arginine are nuts, especially wall nuts, pecan nuts, Brazil nuts, and cashew nuts.


There is no doubt that the key cause of type two diabetes is unhealthy lifestyle including especially unhealthy diet high in bad fats and refined foods, lack of physical activity, and stress. For example, in comparison with 1970s the prevalence of diabetes is 7 times higher in South Korea! Before and after WWII type two diabetes was almost unknown disease in that country. It was the result of the healthy lifestyle of Korean people. They ate unrefined plant foods and were physically active using bikes instead of cars. They also experienced much less stress and ate seeds and nuts instead of oils, margarines and other trans-fats. But after WWII Koreans started systematically increase consumption of refined foods, white rice, refined oils, trans-fats and sugar. They stopped exercising, gained weight, and experienced more stress. As a result, Korea experienced transformation from a country of few diabetics to a nation full of people suffering from this disease.

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Today the situation is similar almost everywhere, including not only high-income countries but also developing ones and even underdeveloped parts of the world. According to Dr. Allen Spiegel, Head of the US National Diabetes Institute, „Once a rarity in the underdeveloped countries, diabetes is on the rise in these countries too, as they begin to adopt the Western lifestyle. This was first seen in Japan after World War II, then in Korea, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and Mexico. The generally accepted explanation is the increased food intake coupled with a more sedentary lifestyle. Obesity has been thought to be the primary risk factor because 90% of diabetics are seriously overweight.”

– Today we are often brain-washed with the idea that bad genes we inherit after our ancestors are responsible for our health problems including diabetes. However, although it is true that you may be born with genetic tendencies to develop insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes) yet much more important cause which leads to this condition is always unhealthy diet (high in bad plant oils and animal fats, refined products, sugar, meat, dairy, etc.), overweight, stimulants, lack of exercise, or inability to control stress. Therefore, if you want to recover from diabetes you have to address and eliminate those factors. And the best proof that they are the key cause of diabetes is the fact that whenever diabetics switch to a healthy unrefined plant-based diet and start exercising on a regular basis they completely recover from this condition.

– One of the most important causes of type 2 diabetes are bad oils and fats. For instance, a study led by Prof. Jamey D. Marth, has discovered that when healthy animals were fed a high-fat diet, then the pancreatic beta cells could not sense and respond to blood glucose.

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– It is believed that there are three major dietary toxins which are responsible for triggering type two diabetes: Omega-6 industrial seed oils, Cereal grains (especially refined) and Fructose (especially high-fructose/glucose syrup). Fructose is so dangerous because unlike glucose, which is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and taken up by the cells, fructose is shunted directly to the liver where it is converted to fat.

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White table sugar is composed of two sugars: glucose and fructose. Glucose is an important nutrient in our bodies and is healthy, as long as it’s consumed in moderation. Fructose is a different story. Fructose is especially dangerous in the high-fructose/glucose syrup (HFCS). Unlike glucose, which is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and taken up by the cells, fructose is shunted directly to the liver where it is converted to fat. A 2009 study revealed that shifting 25% of dietary calories from glucose to fructose caused a 4-fold increase in abdominal fat! And abdominal fat is an independent predictor of insulin sensitivity, impaired glucose tolerance, high blood pressure and high cholesterol and triglycerides. In addition, it is believed that excess fructose consumption leads a condition called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is directly linked to both obesity and diabetes.

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– Deficiency of Vitamin D contributes to insulin resistance due to its effects on insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity.

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– Harmful effect caused by free radicals has also been implicated in the development of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.

– Insulin resistance is also believed to be linked to a form of systemic inflammation. The key cause of the inflammation (triggered by the immune system) are fat cells. In type 2 diabetes, the immune system releases inflammatory mediators called cytokines against fat cells. Unfortunately, those cytokines worsen the symptoms of type 2 diabetes as they tend to disturb the action of insulin. According to the American Diabetes Association (Diabetes, 2007  56(5):1189-1197), „At least three lines of evidence firmly indicate that systemic inflammation plays a role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. The fat cells can produce chemicals that lead to the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines from immune-related cells causing systemic inflammation and insulin resistance.”

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– As far as physiological roots of type two diabetes are concerned it is caused by inability of insulin to move glucose from blood into cells (insulin resistance). In type two diabetes the body still produces insulin, but the cells in the body become resistant to insulin. It means that sugar (glucose) is not able to move from the blood into cells. As a result sugar remains in the blood elevating blood sugar levels.

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There is enough scientific evidence to believe that this insulin resistance is caused by a harmful protein “resistin” made by fat cells found especially in the abdomen area. For a long time this idea about resistin causing the insulin resistance was only a theory but in 2003 and 2004 it was confirmed by two separate studies. According to those findings, “Resistin is a protein-based hormone produced by fat cells through gene activation… Resistin interferes with insulin’s ability to stimulate cellular machinery to properly dispose of glucose from the bloodstream.”


It is therefore important for diabetics to get rid of the belly fat. Diabetics who are not overweight also have this bad fat but inside their body. It covers internal organs (visceral fat). As soon as you get rid of this nasty fat (through plant unrefined diet and exercise) the insulin resistance will disappear and cells will be able to absorb more sugar thus lowering its level in the blood.

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Under normal circumstances when those who free from diabetes consume a meal sugar from that meal would get into their blood stream. As a result pancreas produces insulin to lower the raised sugar level in the blood. The insulin binds to a certain structure found in the cell wall called “insulin receptor” which works as a “doorbell”. As a result the cell “hears” the “doorbell sound” and open the special “door” for the sugar called “glucose transporter”. And sugar can move from the blood into the cell where it will be used as a source of energy. In this way the whole body is happy because sugar level in the blood is normal. However, in case of diabetics the insulin is unable to do its job. After diabetics have a meal and sugar level goes up, the same insulin also tries to “rings the doorbell” but this time nothing happens. The cell can’t “hear anything” because the “doorbell” is covered by a nasty protein called “resistine” made by a MiRNA-145 gene found in fat cells (located in abdomen area)! As a result, since brain figures out that sugar level is still high it again sends signals to pancreas prompting it to produce even more insulin in order to lower blood glucose. This time pancreas makes so much insulin that it finally manages to generate a signal so loud that cell can hear it at last and opens the door for the sugar to get in and sugar level goes down. But, since the cause of the problem was not solved the resistance of the cells continues to increase over time. As long as the pancreas is able to produce enough insulin to overcome this resistance, blood glucose levels remain normal. Unfortunately, since pancreas is constantly forced to make a lot of insulin (due to unhealthy diet) sooner or later it gets exhausted and becomes unable to produce large enough amounts of this hormone. As a result the body can no longer handle the problem and blood glucose levels are constantly elevated causing a lot of damage in the body. Consequently those who experience the problem start to notice some negative symptoms. They finally go to their doctor and are diagnosed with type two diabetes.


But, let us pose for a while and try to figure out, how it is possible that the gene in fat cells found in belly area of diabetics start making a nasty protein which goes to other cells in the body and forces them to stop absorbing sugar from the blood? Well, by now nobody seems to know the answer to this question. But I believe we can attempt to find the reason if we take into consideration three very important things. First of all, the nature of genes can be changed, they can mutate as a result of being exposed to free radicals, toxins, viruses, etc. And as a result they may start making different strange or dangerous proteins. The best example of such phenomenon is an abnormal proteins produced by genes in brain cells which causes Alzheimer’s disease and brain damage. Second fact we need to remember is that genes in our body react to different physiological and even psychological needs. It is also interesting that this resistine is produced in the fat cells especially around abdomen area.

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Why in fat cells? Because those who suffer from type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese especially in the abdomen area. So, taking into consideration those three facts we may draw a conclusion that may be the belly fat cells being overloaded with too much fat finally get “mad” at the body and “declare war on the body”. The “irritated” belly fat cells say, „Okay guys, our body eats a lot of fatty foods and sugar which is converted to fat. It does not even exercise, and as a result we are constantly getting fatter and fatter. Therefore, in order to change it let us make something that will prevent other cells in the body to use sugar as a source of energy. In this way they will use fat instead and in this way we will start losing fat! So the fat cells say, „Wow, that is an excellent idea!” And driven by the need of losing fat their genes start making resistin which goes to other cells especially the muscle cells and covers the “doorbell” forcing the body to use much less sugar as a source of energy.

This interesting hypothesis may also help us to explain why whenever people with type 2 diabetes start exercising and avoiding bad fat and sugar in their diet slowly recover from type two diabetes. It is so because their belly fat cells are “happy” now as they are not so overloaded with fat and there is no need to make resistin any more!

There are some people who are on very high in fat Kwasniewski diet (popular in Poland) or Atkins diet and somehow they manage to lose weight or even recover from type two diabetes. They lose weight and recover from diabetes by replacing sugar as a source of energy with fat, because their diet is very high in it! It means that they recover from diabetes and obesity because their cells are deprived of sugar and can’t use it as a primary source of energy any more. Therefore, instead of using sugar (glucose) the cells are forced to use fat. Those high fat diets are dangerous and causes many side effects (including high risk of cancer and heart attack) but it is true that they often lose weight and may even recover from diabetes simply because now cells in their body start using fat instead of sugar as a primary source of energy. As a result the fat cells in the abdomen area (which cause diabetes by making resistin) are very happy because they are losing fat so they stop making resistin, as there is now no physiological need to make it!


But, someone may argue against this idea by suggesting that there are some type 2 diabetics who are not overweight and still develop type 2 diabetes! In fact one in five with type 2 diabetes is not obese. Well, the theory about fat cells producing resistin to prevent other cells from absorbing sugar as a primary source of energy still makes sense because even though diabetics who are not overweight do not have visible from outside subcutaneous fat yet they still have a lot of visceral fat around their internal organs which can make resistin as well as chemicals that trigger systemic inflammation leading to insulin resistance. According the Mailonline, „A person who appears to be relatively slim can have high levels of undetected visceral fat, which could play a key role in the development of diabetes. And some people who have even a moderate build-up of fat may be more susceptible to a greater degree of insulin resistance than others.”


Since prescribed medication leads to very bad side affects you need to improve your lifestyle and use natural remedies as they are harmless. However, I do not recommend replacing medication with herbal remedies but using them both simultaneously for certain time and then gradual reduction of medication (only when you see that sugar level is normal without medication).
Also remember that listed below natural remedies and principles are very effective in lowering high blood sugar levels. Therefore, if at the same time you are taking medication you must regularly check your blood sugar level and if you see that it goes down, gradually reduce medication as otherwise sugar level may go too low and you will experience symptoms of hypoglycaemia.


Apart from implementing principles from the HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN you also need to do the following at the same time for at least one month:

– Every day consume Barley fibre (high in Beta glucan which is 6 times more effective than oats in lowering blood sugar level): 1 tablespoon with meals 2 x a day. Researchers at the Creighton Diabetes Center in Nebraska discovered that when participants ate a cooked whole barley or unrefined (high in fibre) barley flakes for breakfast, their blood sugar was 600% lower than when they ate oatmeal — which is proved to be one of the best complex carbohydrates and type of fibre to consume for diabetics! Barley is so effective in regulating blood glucose because it is very high in a particular type of fibre called beta-glucan which is most effective in slowing the conversion of complex carbohydrates to glucose.

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– Include cooked and raw onion and garlic in your diet. A study conducted by pharmacologists demonstrated that diphenylamine found in onion was more effective in lowering blood sugar than popular drug Tolbutamid.

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– Eat 1 or 2 tablespoons of ground flax (lean) seed with breakfast. In June 2008 British Journal of Nutrition published an article which says that, “Flax seeds stabilized blood sugar levels, flaxseed oil had no effect on fasting blood glucose, while fish oil increased fasting blood glucose levels”.

– Every day have at least two tablespoons of soaked overnight in water (or plant milk) chia seed with meal as it regulates blood glucose, increases energy, helps to reduce appetite and lose weight, and increases energy. Chia seed is also one of the highest plant sources of the very beneficial and anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acids.

– Avoid meat products. If you only reduce consumption of animal foods, bad fats, sugar, and refined foods you may not see positive results quickly and get discouraged as a result. Go to RECIPES > in order to learn how to substitute animal foods.
There are numerous studies which clearly demonstrated that the unrefined strictly plant-based diet gives the best results in not only preventing but also treating diabetes as well as obesity and metabolic syndrome (combination of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides, and excess weight around waist). For instance, a study by Prof. Serena Tonstad and her team involving over 50 thousand Seventh-day Adventists was to investigate the effectiveness of vegan, vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets on body weight and prevalence of type 2 diabetes.

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The results, demonstrated that vegan diet was the most effective nutritional approach. It showed the 5-unit BMI difference between vegans and non-vegetarians indicating a great potential of veganism to fight obesity and type 2 diabetes. That is why a diet which is free from animal fats, bad refined plant fats, meat and dairy gives such a quick and excellent results in reversing type two diabetes.

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– According to Dr. John McDougall, also fish is not a good food to consume in case of diabetes: „Fish is high in fat which is effortlessly incorporated into a person’s body fat – leading to obesity. Fish fat is known to paralyze the actions of insulin and increase the tendency for high blood sugars and eventually diabetes.”

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– Avoid all dairy products and any food containing cow’s milk because lactose (type of sugar) in milk increases insulin resistance. Don’t trust new studies which claim cow’s milk and eggs do not contribute to diabetes (or that they not increase bad cholesterol) as many of those studies are sponsored by dairy and egg industries. The independent studies demonstrate that eggs and dairy increase risk of type two and type one diabetes.
Also a 2009 Harvard study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition links fish and omega-3 oil consumption to increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Following 200,000 adult participants for 16 years, researchers found that the more fish or omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish) participants consumed, the higher was their risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

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– Eliminate the following from your diet: Animal fats, margarines (high in dangerous trans-fats), and bad oils (sunflower oil, soya oil, corn oil, vegetable oil, etc.) as they are high in pro-inflammatory polyunsaturated fatty acid that contribute to diabetes. Instead use only raw organic coconut oil. For salad dressing you may use cold pressed flax oil (but not for cooking).

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In the book “The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil”, Bruce Fife, N.D. states that, “The biggest culprit, however, seems to be polyunsaturated oil. Studies have shown that when polyunsaturated fats from the diet are incorporated into cellular structure, the cell’s ability to bind with insulin decreases, thus lowering their ability to get glucose. In other words, the ‘locks’ on the cells which open the door for glucose to enter degrade when too much polyunsaturated oil is consumed in the diet. Insulin is then unable to open the door.”

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The polyunsaturated fats are especially harmful because they have two or more double bounds, while monounsaturated fats (olive oil) have one double bond and saturated fats (coconut oil) have no double bonds. The more double bonds in a fatty acid, the more reactive it is. It means that the polyunsaturated fats tend to react with oxygen, leading to overproduction of free oxygen radicals which cause a lot of damage in the body and contribute to diabetes.

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– Use only raw organic coconut oil. According to Dr Oz, „Iceland people have consumed large amounts of coconut oil for many generations without ever encountering diabetes, but when they abandoned it for other foods and oils, the results were disastrous. The connection between coconut oil and weight loss is interesting too. Farmers in America discovered this early last century when they tried to fatten their cattle by feeding them coconut oil. Instead of gaining weight, their cattle lost weight!” Not long ago a new form of coconut oil appeared in the market. The difference is that this oil is not solid but liquid in room temperature.
But when I checked how this oil is made I realised that it is not as healthy as the solid one. In coconut oil it is the lauric acid which makes coconut to be solid because lauric acid requires more than 24 degrees Celsius in order to melt down. That is why in hot countries coconut oil is always liquid. So in order to make coconut oil solid, they remove almost all lauric acid and therefore, the oil stays liquid even if the temperature is below 24 degrees. But the problem is that lauric acid is regarded as the most valuable medium chain fatty acid in coconut oil. Coconut oil is about 50% lauric acid, making it nature’s richest source of lauric acid. Very effective even in killing virus and bacteria.

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– Do not consume foods high in trans-fats as they greatly contribute to diabetes because they lead to systemic inflammation. Trans-fats are formed when oils goes through the process called hydrogenation (hardening), which makes the oil solid.  This type of fat is high in many margarines and is one of the main ingredients in many processed and very unhealthy foods such as biscuits, cakes, doughnuts, buns, popcorn, French fries, chicken wings, pizza, desserts, etc.

– Avoid: Gluten (wheat, etc.), any foods or drinks with sugar (read labels), high glucose/fructose syrup, desserts, artificial sweeteners, white flour products, hot spices, stimulants (coffee, cola, black tea, green tea, chocolate, etc.)

– Avoid fruit juices. Only grapefruit juice is beneficial in case of diabetes but not if you are on medication as it may increase or decrease absorption of medication.

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– Unfortunately, for many years people with diabetes were suggested to avoid fruits because of their high sugar content. But according to a title of one of the studies dealing with the problem it is a wrong idea as it says, „Fruit Restriction Advice for Type 2 Diabetics Proven WRONG”.


Whole fruits do not contribute to diabetes nor even elevated blood glucose levels simply because sugar in whole or dried fruit is bound to fibre. And since it is in the form of complex carbohydrates it takes a long time for the gastrointestinal tract to break it down to glucose. As a result the sugar gets into the blood stream very slowly and the blood never gets too high. For this reason insulin doesn’t have to be produced and released in excessive amounts thus preventing diabetes.

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– Exercise 1 to 2 times for 30 to 60 min every day. Fast walk outside is the best.

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One of the key causes of type 2 diabetes is sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise. Physical activity is also the best way to prevent and treat diabetes. And it is quite easy to explain why physical activity helps diabetics, as well as healthy people, to maintain proper sugar level. When we walk or exercise, what do our muscle cells need? They need energy! Where do they get the energy from? From sugar called glucose, which is in our blood. So, when we exercise the cells in our body are eager to open the door for the sugar and absorb it. Because of that the elevated after meals blood sugar level easily goes down and is normal. Apart from that, since exercise makes body cells to absorb more sugar from the blood the pancreas is very happy as it doesn’t have to overwork making so much insulin necessary to lower blood glucose. But, when we don’t move, the sugar comes to the special “door” for the sugar found in every cell of your body and “knocks on the door”. And, the cell asks: “Yes! Who is it?” – “It’s me, sugar! Let me in, please!” – answers the sugar. But, how would the cell in your body react, when you don’t exercise but instead, you seat all the time in front of the TV or computer? The cell in your body says: “I am sorry sugar! But our body doesn’t move too much and we don’t need any additional energy supply now. Try another time please!” And because of that the poor sugar has to stay in the blood resulting in high blood sugar levels which eventually may lead to type two diabetes.

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According to the title of the study conducted in 2007 by Nikolaos Adoglou, MD, and Despina Perrea, Phd, “Exercise Reduces Resistin and Inflammatory Cytokines in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes!” It means that regular physical activity is one of the most effective ways to reverse diabetes as it deals with the cause of the problem which is resistin. Another study conducted by Brunilda Nazario, MD in 2012 demonstrated that fast walking (or energetic exercise) for at least 30 minutes every day is the best treatment against type 2 diabetes. This great benefit  can be explained by the fact that regular energetic exercise is the most effective way of encouraging muscle cells to dramatically increase their sensitivity to insulin. In addition fast walking releases many beneficial anti-inflammatory chemicals.


–  My favourite formula, I most frequently recommand for diabetics, is GlucoBate (HealthAid) because it contains the most important ingredients such as Alpha lipoic acid, karela, chromium, or fenugreek which demonstrated incredible effectiveness in regulating blood sugar and reversing insulin resistance.

Nettle capsules or tea: 3 times a day between meals. Plus nettle capsules or tablets: after every meal. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, „Studies indicate that nettle can lower blood sugar and blood pressure”.

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Do not use omega 3 fish oil as unlike plant omega 3 sources (flax seed, chia seed) it tends to elevate blood glucose. Ground flax seed – the highest plant source of ALA type of omega 3 has shown to lower blood glucose. But If you want the same omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) which are found in fish oil there are some very good plant sources available on the market.

– New Study Confirms Turmeric Can Benefit Diabetes >

– Examples of other excellent herbs and foods lowering blood sugar levels: Neem, chlorella, spirulina, alfalfa, fenugreek, olive leaf, garlic, onion, oats, raw vegetables, grapefruit, beans, lentils and other pulses. The more of them you use the better results you will see.

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– A 2001 study proved that, „treatment of diabetic rats with karela fruit extract over a 10-week period returned glucose, cholesterol, and triglycerides levels close to normal… These results suggest that karela extract exhibits hypolipidemic as well as hypoglycaemic effects in diabetic rats.”

– In another trial with diabetic patients published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 1990, those who consumed powdered fenugreek had significantly lower blood levels of both glucose and cholesterol compared to others who took a placebo.

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– Also olive leaf extract increased insulin production by almost 30% and lowered insulin resistance by an average of 15%!

Alpha lipoic acid: 200 to 600mg a day. According to Dr. Mercola, “People with diabetes or metabolic syndrome tend to do much better when taking lipoic acid, as it enhances insulin sensitivity. This antioxidant (lipoic acid) can smash insulin resistance and autoimmune disease“. One of the studies also says that, “Alpha lipoic acid has a curative effect on peripheral neuropathy in type 2 diabetes”. More about PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY >

Lipoic acid improves diabetic neuropathy >

Vitamin D3: 20,000 IU with breakfast. Vitamin D must be used with magnesium as it leads to its deficiency! Deficiency of Vitamin D contributes to insulin resistance due to its effects on insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity.

Magnesium citrate high in elemental magnesium such as MagCitra (HealthAid): 2 x 200-400 mg 60 min before breakfast and before last meal.

Oral Magnesium Supplementation Improves Insulin Sensitivity and Metabolic Control in Type 2 Diabetic Subjects >

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    Now, check this: Both types of diabetes could be CURED by a daily probiotic pill that ‘rewires’ the body, scientists claim! >

But be careful when you chose probiotics. Not long ego many popular probiotic formulas were tested by scientists and they found out 70% didn’t contain live bacteria!!!

Alfalfa demonstrates blood sugar lowering, insulin-releasing and insulin like activity >

– Bio chromium (Pharma Nord). Bioavailability of this chromium is 10 times higher than regular chromium formulas: 2 x a day 100mcg with meals. Chromium is necessary for insulin production and regulating blood sugar levels. It also helps to reduce sugar cravings. Chromium and biotin supplementation improves glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes.

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Vitamin B6: 50mg a day with breakfast.

Zinc – 15-30mg a day after meal.

Raw fresh vegetable juices 3 x a day 2 to 3 glasses before meals or instead. About 5-7 cups or raw vegetable salad a day.

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Fresh raw sprouts every day (especially alfalfa as it lowers sugar in the blood).

Vitamin B12 is the best way to boost energy in diabetics, to detoxify their bodies, and reverse neurological damage caused by high blood sugar levels. Vitamin B12 must be taken in the form sublingual methylcobalamin (not cyanocobalamin): 1000-2000mcg under the tongue a day only with breakfast. Read whole very interesting article about vitamin B12 >

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Chlorella or Spirulina – 10 tablets (500mg) 30 min before breakfast and 10 before lunch with water or vegetable. Start taking 3 tablets of chlorella 2 x a day and increase every day by 1 until you rich the above mentioned dose.

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– According to some specialists liver might be even more important organ with regards to type 2 diabetes than pancreas because liver it produces the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) which is similar in molecular structure to insulin. It is more important than pancreas, because liver through this factor can even reduce insulin resistance which is the cause of type 2 diabetes. Here is the proof based on the study published in 2001. According to the title of the study, “Liver-Specific igf-1 Gene Deletion (removal) Leads to Muscle Insulin Insensitivity”. According to another study published a year later, „In 615 participants, those with IGF-1 serum levels above the median were only half as likely to develop glucose intolerance or type 2 diabetes as those with IGF-1 serum levels below the median.”


It means that the more igf1 factor our liver makes the easier it should be to prevent or recover from diabetes. After reading the next statement by Prof Sandhu published in Lancet (2002), we can draw a conclusion that by stimulating liver to make more of igf1 factor we can even help diabetics with extreme insulin resistance: „IGF-1 factor produced in the liver in response to releases of growth hormone, mimics many of the effects of insulin. IGF-1 has even been used to improve insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance in type 2 diabetics with extreme insulin resistance.”

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The best way to boost the igf-1 is Chlorella. And it is so for 2 reasons: First of all it is one of the most effective natural mediums to detoxify our body and liver thus strengthening liver and enabling it to produce more igf1. And second reason may be even more important as chlorella itself contains an amazing chlorella growth factor which does the same as igf-1 yet unlike igf-1 it doesn’t increase the risk of cancer but prevents it!: “Chlorella growth factor (CGF) is similar to Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1) which is known as a fountain of youth and excellent muscle repair supplement. IGF-1 however, may increase the risk of tumor growth but obtaining it in the form of CGF from chlorella has only beneficial effect since Chlorella is such a powerful cancer fighter. CGF stimulates tissue repair and protects cells against toxic substances.”

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– Take care of your liver also by avoiding stimulants, meat, fried foods, bad fats, medication, toxins, sugar, etc. and using milk thistle and NAC to detoxify and regenerate this very important organ! Milk Thistle Extract, N-Acetyl Cysteine and Methionine, are the three factors known to be essential for the production of glutathione, which is a potent free radical scavenger that also plays a critical role in maintaining the body’s and liver’s normal elimination of toxins. You also need to detoxify liver by eating at least 7 cups of raw vegetable salad a day! Yes, that is the amount of raw vegetables you should consume every day if you want to be healthy and provide proper amounts of antioxidants.

Also Chlorella is known as an ‘intelligent detoxifier’ because it contains over 20 different peptides which bind with dangerous toxins from the body and liver effectively eliminating them while leaving all the beneficial nutrients. Apart from that, chlorella is also very effective in removing heavy metals from our bodies (and liver) resulting in amazing cognitive and physical benefits.” And here you have another proof that chlorella prevents insulin resistance which is the cause of type 2 diabetes. This is the title of a study published at the end of l2013: „Chlorella modulates insulin signalling pathway and prevents high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance in mice.” Also Prof. Klinghardt wrote in 2002 that Chlorella not only removes neurotoxins from our brains but „Chlorophyll in chlorella normalizes insulin resistance and much more.”


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– Avoid artificial sweeteners! People who struggle with body weight and high blood sugar levels often use artificial sweeteners such as aspartame but it is a very bad idea as according to Carly Harrill, „There are 92 reported side effects of ASPARTAME (Equal, NutraSweet), including: birth defects, diabetes, arthritis, severe PMS, migraines, Alzheimer’s disease, aggression, severe depression, and suicidal tendencies. Also the newest artificial sweetener, neotame is chemically similar to aspartame, and like aspartame, it metabolizes into formaldehyde when consumed. But there is one big difference: neotame contains 3-dimethylbutyl, which according to the Environmental Protection Agency is one of the most hazardous chemicals.”

There is another problem which may be the result of using artificial sweeteners. Whenever we consume them, our brain still thinks that we’ve just eaten something with sugar, even though artificial sweeteners contain no sugar. So, assuming that the blood sugar level is going to be higher, the brain still sends signals to the pancreas to produce insulin. Pancreas, therefore, quickly release some insulin to lower the sugar level, in spite of the fact that it wasn’t needed as the food didn’t contain sugar. The problem therefore is that when you keep on eating foods with artificial sweeteners the pancreas may eventually stop releasing insulin as soon as it ‘realizes’ that the sugar level is always normal. But when after some time you again start consuming foods which contain ‘true’ sugar the pancreas may refuse to produce insulin, although now it is needed. If this is true then using isolated sweeteners that chemically can’t be classified as sugars may lead to a kind of chaos and confusion in our body and disturb the proper communication existing between brain and pancreas.

– Use only Stevia (lowers blood glucose) and Xylitol (does not elevate blood sugar) instead of artificial sweeteners.

– According to the Life Science, also laughter improves glucose levels and gene expression in type 2 diabetic patients.

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– Too little sleep increases the risk of serious health problems including insulin resistance, obesity, and type II diabetes.


– Ideally all the above should be used at the same time if possible. The more you include the faster you will recover.

Please remember that using this treatment is very effective in lowering high blood sugar levels so if at the same time you are taking medication you must regularly check your blood sugar level and if you see that it goes down slowly and gradually reduce medication as otherwise sugar level may go too low and you will experience symptoms of hypoglycaemia.

– Finally, let me give you another example of recovery that may encourage you to give this effective recovery plan a try. I remember certain very obese gentleman who together with his wife participated in one of my health seminars. Everything he heard during those five days made sense to him and opened his eyes to the true cause of his obesity and other health problems such as coronary heart disease, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, depression, or diabetes. He instantly decided to switch to a well-balanced, healthy and unrefined plant-based diet and to practice all other principles of the optimal health recovery plan. When 6 months later he came to listen to another series of my lectures he was so slim and looked so different that i couldn’t recognize him. He said that on this normal-calorie plant-based diet, without fasting, counting calories, suffering from hunger, or skipping meals he had lost 80 pounds (40 kilos) in 6 months! Every day he just ate 3 regular tasty and high in nutrients and fibre meals always satisfying his hunger. He also said that as a result of practicing this new diet and lifestyle he recovered from all other serious health problems such as chronic fatigue, coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, and he also greatly improved his emotional and physical well-being. Apart from enjoying normal body weight he was brimming with positive energy and health.

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Please read this extremaly important part (LINK) very carefully as it reveals the secret of finding true source of strenght necessary to overcome bad habits and will help you to gain a powerful motivation to not only practice but also enjoy the new and very healthy way of life.


© 2016 Slawomir Gromadzki – All Rights Reserved

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– In order to speed up your recovery from diabetes try to implement also the principles included in HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN >

– If you are overweight and need to learn best ways to lose weight read also: OBESITY & OVERWEIGHT >

Hallelujah Acres Testimonies on Overcoming Diabetes >



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