Turmeric belongs to the ginger family.  It is a bright yellow aromatic spice with a long history of use in cooking. It is a powerful antioxidant and an excellent source of manganese, potassium, iron, fibre, vitamin B6 and healthy amounts of magnesium and vitamin C.

Turmeric has become so popular, because recent research has highlighted its therapeutic properties.

Turmeric is good for you. A recent study demonstrated that its main active ingredient curcumin has anti-inflammatory activity. It exerts its anti-inflammatory activity by reducing the number of different molecules that contribute to inflammation. It was also found to be safe.

Did you know that a turmeric juice cleanse can help you feel more energised and regain your power if you have been feeling fatigued?

Your liver is one of the most important organs in your body. One of its functions is detoxification, helping to clear toxins from your blood. A recent clinical trial found that turmeric can help protect and heal the damaged diseased liver; it improved the liver function by increasing its detoxification ability.

When your liver is healthy and functioning properly, it gets rid of toxins effectively, so you feel more energised.

Also check out this Ayurveda cleanse

Here is a 3 day turmeric juice cleanse to help you regain your power


Start your day with a glass of warm water (you may add some freshly squeezed lemon juice) to stimulate bowel movement and maintain the normal function of your bowel.


2 inch piece of fresh turmeric root

2 inch piece ginger root

1 whole fresh organic lemon, peel removed


-Wash all vegetables thoroughly

-Juice vegetables in this order – turmeric, ginger and lemon

-Stir mixture and serve


Start your day with a glass of water (you may add some freshly squeezed lemon juice) to stimulate bowel movement and maintain the normal function of your bowel.


2 inch piece of fresh turmeric root

2 stalks of organic celery

1/2 medium organic cucumber

1 whole fresh organic lemon, peel removed


-Wash all vegetables thoroughly.

-Juice vegetables in this order – turmeric, celery, lemon and cucumber

-Stir mixture and serve


Day 3


2 inch piece of fresh turmeric root

1 head organic romaine lettuce

3 organic carrots

1 organic fresh lemon, peel removed


-Wash all vegetables thoroughly

-Juice the vegetables in this order – turmeric, romaine lettuce, carrots and lemon

-Stir mixture and serve

If you do not have fresh turmeric root, you can use ground turmeric powder which must be organic to avoid the dangers of irradiation. If you are using ground turmeric powder, when you have juiced all the vegetables add 1/2 -1 teaspoon of the turmeric powder to the mixture, stir and serve

Each day drink 6 glasses of the turmeric juice cleanse  in 2 hour increments (9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, and 7pm). Try not to eat anything, but if you must eat during your turmeric juice cleanse, eat organic raw vegetables.

Note that eating a healthy diet about 2- 3 days before your turmeric juice cleanse can help make any hunger cravings less severe during your turmeric juice cleanse.

For the best turmeric juice cleanse experience, do not juice cleanse when you are under stress or are very busy.  Do it when you are free and happy.

 Also check out a 10 day green smoothie cleanse


Chainani-Wu N (2003) Safety and anti-inflammatory activity of curcumin: a component of tumeric (Curcuma longa). Journal of alternative and Complimentary Medicine, 9:161-168.

Sang-Wook Kim, Ki-Chan Ha, Eun-Kyung Choi, Su-Young Jung, Min-Gul Kim, Dae-Young Kwon, Hye-Jung Yang, Min-Jung Kim, Hee-Joo Kang, Hyang-Im Back, Sun-Young Kim, Soo-Hyun Park, Hum-Young Baek, Yong-Jae Kim, Joon-Yeol Lee, Soo-Wan Chae (2013) The effectiveness of fermented turmeric powder in subjects with elevated alanine transaminase levels: a randomised controlled study. BMC Complement Altern Med.


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