The onus on treatment is to keep the blood sugars stable and low. This is best achieved by restricting all processed foods, fruits, potatoes and especially bread products. Frequent small meals, ‘smart’ meats such as chicken and fish, green and white vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus and cauliflower, and regular exercise are the patients’ responsibilities.

The medical therapy is erroneously only concerned with the blood sugar. That is why most doctors prescribe Glynase(R), Micronase(R), Glucophage(R) and rarely Rezulin(R)/ Avandia(R) or Actos(R). This will hopefully prevent a diabetic crisis with blood sugars going too high or too low. But the underlying disease process, that the body is ‘overflowing’ with glucose stores, is being ignored by the generations of treating physicians.

By the time the individual develops foot ulcers as seen here, his/ or her dire calls for medical help may be too late. Ulcers develop when there is insufficient cirulation. The medical term is gangrene. Expensive and time consuming debriedments, medications, antibiotics, therapy and skin grafts cannot correct the underlying process.

That is why TESTOSTERONE is unique!

TESTOSTERONE is a natural hormone that is produced in both men and women. Women do not realize that all their estrogen comes from Testosterone. Understand ladies that without testosterone there would be no sex drive, no attitude, and no estrogen! In men, testosterone is everything important: sex drive, muscle mass, increased cardiac perfomance, weight loss and stable blood sugars!

Our discovery is that testosterone has a profound effect on stabilizing a man’s diabetic blood sugar! On numerous occasions we have been able to take men off oral agents and some even off regular insulin; up to < 20 IU/day. Most find that their blood sugars are lowers and the amount of medication is reduced by 25% to 50%. That is why we are spending our time and effort in bringing our years of experience with this phenomenon to the public. And we are convinced that testosterone may be the best treatment ever for adult onset diabetes while assisting in stabilizing the fluctuations of juvenile male diabetics!!

Proof of our results are seen in the first graph above. This 73 year old man has been diabetic for 20 years.

The second patient is a black woman on 40 units of insulin daily who already had amputation of toes on her foot. She has been diabetic for 30 years. Her diabetic disease was well advances too. The ulcer on the bottom of her foot would not heal. Her toes were affected with ‘wet gangrene.’ Within one month, she was able to drop her blood sugars from 350 mg/ml to 80 and discontinue her insulin alltogether. But because her disease was so advanced, she was unable to prevent further amputation. Her blood sugars remained well controlled through surgery and afterwards on testosterone. Testosterone works to improve circulation in both men and women. The improved circulation allows the body to “heal itself.” What could be better than a natural hormone fixing the defect that develops in a diabetic’s body?

In our practice, we have treated individuals who enter using upwards of 100 units of insulin daily. This is called ‘insulin resistance.’ Testosterone has been able to reduce and stabilize the blood sugars and lower insulin requirements in some individuals better than Rezulin(R). But testosterone does not work for everyone. We only suggest that diabetic individuals with mild, moderate or severe disease consider testosterone for inclusion in their diabetic program. Strong diabetic control, that is low insulin and stable blood sugars, is most important in avoiding the terrible complications and end-stage processes of diabetes. By the time a diabetic develops coronary HEART disease, massive OBESITY, renal disease requiring DIALYSIS, amputation of extremities and neuropathies, nothing including testosterone can slow the progression of this dreaded disease. The time for intervention is NOW!
diabete-footOur lectures have been focused on education for the physicians and public to the need for tight insulin control. But many individuals do not know that they are pre-diabetic or diabetic. That is why it is important for both the man and woman to insist that their treating physician measure their fasting insulin, testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin. Because even if you think “everything is OK” you may be inclined to change your diet, exercise or medication program if you find you are “sicker than you think.”

Our research has established that there is a definite relationship between the amount of free testosterone and the ‘sensitivity’ to insulin. This is influenced by the individual’s sex; male or female. The term we prefer is Gender-Specific. In men, high testosterone and low sex hormone binding globulin makes for higher free testosterone which is good. High free testosterone equals a decreased need for insulin for the man. Remember that for diabetes and all of us the goal is still excellent glucose control, but, more important is strict insulin control. A normal fasting insulin is less than 10 mIU/ml. Lower yet is proportionally much better.

For women, low free testosterone best serves her insulin sensitivity. High sex hormone binding globulin correlates to low fasting insulin and less abdominal and body fat. Just remember that you want your hormones to match that of a healty teenager or young adult. The wonder of appropriate hormonal replacement is that many of our patients report that they do feel 20 years younger, sexier and healthier!

Your doctor can use the following formula to determine how much ‘active’ or free testosterone is available to the male patient. Free Androgen Index (FAI) = concentration of total testosterone in mg/dl x .0347 divided by concentration of sex hormone binding globulin in nmol/L. A non-diabetic teenager may have a ratio of 2. An 80 year old man with diabetes on dialysis may have a ratio of 0.1 or so. The normal adult male’s ratio is approximately 1 (0.8 to 1.2). Women have a ratio of 0.04 or less. For both genders with diabetes, we follow the testosterone, estrogen, sex hormone binding globulin, fasting insulin level and hemoglobin A1C to monitor improvement with hormonal treatment.

Men with disease and aging have an increase in testosterone blockers. These are proteins that neutralize, tie up or bind testosterone so it cannot do what it is designed for; “keeping tissue sugar levels low.” The two main blockers are estrogen and sex hormone binding globulin. Sex hormone binding globulin amplifies the amount of estrogen by preferentially tying up testosterone. Estrogen turns off the brains signals to make testosterone. Estrogens like estradiol and estrone block the action of testosterone in the cell.

What’s a diabetic individual to do?

The individual shown below knows that he has to follow a diet low in processed carbohydrates and exercise. But in his mid-50’s, he isn’t going to change. He did start testosterone replacement with injections and then long-acting pellets. His fasting insulin levels dropped in half and the amount of stored sugar in his cells as related to Hemoglobin A1C improved dramatically. He has continued on this regimen for three years. His has been able to decrease his oral medication for adult onset diabetes in half while losing 20 pounds. He feels well enough to work long hours as a truck driver and enjoys his time with his wife and grandchildren. As long as his disease is stable, we feel we are positively impacting on his disease. We reinforce his need for dietary change (low carbohydrate), exercise and regular physician monitoring.

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