
Acidity vs. Alkalinity

You can read about this subject (and I definitely have) all over the Internet, but sometimes it’s not explained well. I have to give kudos...

Phytic acid.

Phytase is the enzyme that neutralizes phytic acid and liberates the phosphorus. This enzyme co-exists in plant foods that contain phytic acid. Ruminant animals such...

PHYTASE enzymes break down phytate.

WHAT IS PHYTASE AND WHAT DOES IT DO?   ♦      Phytase is any type of phosphatase enzyme that breaks down phytic acid (chemicallycalled dephosphorylation, produces...

Soak and sprout.

Studies have shown that when we reduce phytic acid in food, we absorb more minerals from that food. Legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds have phytic...