
How Much is a Leg Worth?

The onus on treatment is to keep the blood sugars stable and low. This is best achieved by restricting all processed foods, fruits, potatoes and...

Organic Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are highly regarded as  anti-estrogenic; it’s role are especially helpful for preventing hormonal cancers, such as breast cancer, because some ITC, such as indole-3-carbinol (abundant...

Долгосрочные эффекты ограничения калорий или ограничения белка на концентрацию IGF-1.

Перечитывал тут детали одного широко цитируемого в научной литературе исследования, в котором авторы, авторитетные ученые в области биологии старения, изучали эффекты долговременного ограничения калорий у...

The Concept of Xenohormesis.

Xenohormesis is the concept that different species such as plants and animals have common stress signaling molecules, and that such molecules can be harvested from...