
Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha Lipoic Acid – (other names: thioctic acid, 1,3-diothio-3-pentanoic acid, 6,8-dithio-octanoic acid, and lipoate) is a biofactor found in yeast, spinach and red meat and...

Enzyme Therapy and Cancer:

Enzymes are extremely vital to human well-being.  They play a critical role in digestion and nutrient assimilation, in immune response, cognitive acceleration, and cellular detoxification...

Ellagic acid

Traditional drugs or therapies rarely have effects on regression of chronic liver diseases, which result in many cases from sustained oxidative stress. In recent years,...


Функции белка p53 Белок р53 является продуктом гена-супрессора опухоли TP53 и экспрессируется во всех клетках организма. При отсутствии поврежденийгенетического аппарата белок р53 находится в неактивном...


  Insulin Resistance These data indicate that vinegar can significantly improve insulin sensitivity in insulin-resistant subjects. Acetic acid has been shown to suppress disaccharidase activity...