In 1971, a 27-year-old, 456-pound man went to the University of Dundee’s department of medicine in Scotland looking for help. Patient A.B., as doctors referred...
Дмитрий Веремеенко В каждой клетке нашего организма со временем накапливается «мусор». Аутофагия — это процесс, когда лизосомы (внутренние органоиды клеток) нашего организма переваривают внутриклеточный мусор — в том...
Болезнь Альцгеймера считается неизлечимой, сопровождается потерей памяти, рассудка, а пациент гибнет в течение нескольких лет (3-9 лет). Болезнь Альцгеймера — одна из главных причин смертности в развитых европейских странах...
Supplementing with alpha lipoic acid can result in measurable gains in both strength and muscularity. Therefore, alpha lipoic acid could be very beneficial in your...
Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous signaling molecule of the human body, and also a powerful vasodilator. Because of the fact that it enhances circulation...
Methylation is the latest buzzword in the health industry and for a good reason. It’s is a biochemical process involved in almost all of your body’s functions!...
Increase the NUMBER of EFFICIENT MITOCHONDRIA (the ENERGY-PRODUCING BATTERIES of the cell) by stimulating “mitochondrial biogenesis-” Your cells need to get rid of large, inefficient...
Cruciferous vegetables are highly regarded as anti-estrogenic; it’s role are especially helpful for preventing hormonal cancers, such as breast cancer, because some ITC, such as indole-3-carbinol (abundant...